Sunday, February 26, 2017

MAKE MINE minimal please!

A new blog, a new day, a new way of living!  The only thing I really want in my life at this point as far as material possession would be is an old sturdy Underwood typewriter.  The kind you can hear down the hallway.  The kind that speaks volumes and remembers something.  The kind that speaks to the world in a way that should not be forgotten.  I'm on my way to writing my blog again.  I've gone from Once Upon a Fairyland days blogging about everything cute in life and my childhood growing up at Once Upon a Fairyland to a short blog on Auntie Jacqueline's where I add some spice to life with my fantasy old auntie blog.  Then there was a small business blog from my craft days of Dingbat Alley and now this.  Somehow I feel like I've finally arrived in Blog Land again and I'm happy to be here.  I'm hoping I will have a few followers.  As my memory serves me, I had quite a few before but that was a whole other subject...onward...

 Make mine minimal please!  This blog is all about my journey starting in 2014 and that is an ongoing journey to finding out what really matters in my life.  I'm hoping you'll have fun reading and it will inspire you.  I will share with you very personal moments and all the humps and bumps and chaos I went though to where I am now.  Living a life that really makes sense, it's free of boxes and storage of possessions.  My mind, my home, my relationships are valued now in a way I never valued before. I now know without a shadow of a doubt the root of my depression (which I call The Blues) was my quest to buy more and more material possessions.
I will be posting some really good ideas and solutions to tossing and organizing to saving and disposing of STUFF!  We will look at my why's and your why's and find the path through the garage to the garage sale, the donation bin and some other really cool ways I found to letting go.  Believe it or not, I actually ended up having a whole lot of fun on the journey but it was not without potholes, speed bumps and dips.  Now, when I go to a restaurant, I go to a store, I eat a great piece of cake I can easily say...MAKE MINE minimal please.  You can also follow me on my Facebook page under the same title.  Learn as we go, one small step at a time.  The post will be new and fresh there too.
                                      Thank you for reading my new blog. 
                                                       xoxo Jacqueline